Your well-being impacts both your work and your career. Each episode of The Happy Scientist dials in on hands-on, actionable steps you can take to make sure you stay happy, focused, and satisfied in the lab. Join us to experience a more fulfilling career in bioscience.
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What Constitutes a Happy Scientist?
In this episode, which was recorded live, you'll discover how to do more than just get paid or add another line to your CV/résumé — and how you can be a scientist and ...

Latest Episodes
Objective Introspection to Strengthen Your Scientific Career
#81 — Periodically directing your gaze inward can clarify your current position, past journey, and future aspirations.In this episode of The Happy Scientist, explore t...

Why Be a Mentor to Other Scientists?
Ever feel a mix of frustration and nostalgia when you see new faces in the lab, fresh and full of questions? Are you the kind of person who takes them under your wing,...

How to Effectively Wield Your Ambition
Naked ambition is a powerful characteristic, yet it can easily become overpowering—for you and your colleagues.This could endanger your work connections and harm your ...

Getting Dead Practical about To-Do Lists II: Overcoming Task Avoidance
#78 — In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we dive into the emotional patterns that hinder the smooth operation of any to-do list system.These emotional barriers ca...

Getting Dead Practical about To-Do Lists I: Aligning Lists with Your Work Style
Is your to-do list downstream of your work style, or your work style downstream of your to-do list?Do you prefer to write down everything you need to do for the day an...