What Constitutes a Happy Scientist?
In this episode, which was recorded live, you'll discover how to do more than just get paid or add another line to your CV/résumé — and how you can be a scientist and be happy at the same time. This episode is aimed at working scientists. It's more than just a job to you. It may even be more than just a career — it's your life. You want to get the most out of it and you actually want to enjoy it — and that's not too much to ask.
Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com/
Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com/
If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science.