How Scarcity Is Hurting You
You may claim an inexhaustible allegiance to opportunity and a
devotional belief in possibility. Yet a prevalent attitude of scarcity
has a way of lurking in the shadows, surreptitiously sliding in among
the positive things and exacting a heavy toll. Scarcity is a low grade
fever, it is a virus that syphons off energy and makes itself more and
more dominant. In this episode we will show you where to look for
scarcity that has snuck into your work and life, how to undo it and
never let it back in again.
Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast:
devotional belief in possibility. Yet a prevalent attitude of scarcity
has a way of lurking in the shadows, surreptitiously sliding in among
the positive things and exacting a heavy toll. Scarcity is a low grade
fever, it is a virus that syphons off energy and makes itself more and
more dominant. In this episode we will show you where to look for
scarcity that has snuck into your work and life, how to undo it and
never let it back in again.
Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast:
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